
The Absurdity of Existence

The concept of Absurdity has its roots down to existence. If we evaluate it at an atomic level then existence would seem like a very malleable concept. The true essence of existence is perspective and the interrelationship of the perspectives. Developing perspective about the objective and subjective realities of life is involuntary and is a necessity for you to exist. The day you start interacting with the desolating realities of life as well as the realities that make you ecstatic is the day you start influencing others and let people influence you. This is a continuous process and cannot be felt voluntarily but it is the true marker that defines the essence of existence.  The perspectives that we create are based on thoughts we imbibe. We go on creating 6200 thoughts per day. Do we imply every thought in the creation of a perspective? The answer would be no because there are both significant and insignificant thoughts according to an individual and they make their choices as a perpe

The Philosophy of Pessimism: A doomer's call

Hovering amid despair, right when I wanted to seek the absolute truth. The reality is a dark place to stroll, once you get dragged by the feeling called Weltzmerz, there is no turning back. To over introspect is both a blessing and a curse enough to associate your sufferings to reality. To exist is to will and to will is to suffer, tormented by the reality I consider myself as a Doomer.  Ennui is what I feel on a usual basis. No amount of empathy could change the reality that's expanding inside me. My idea of self is just rooted in the despondency, that emanated from the societal melancholia. We feel pain but not painlessness, we feel care but not freedom from care, fear but not security. Pleasure does not yield answers for me, my will to strive does. My will to strive that springs out of melancholia. The reality that oscillates between pain and ennui is put forward to society only for the masses to be ignorant of that. Sometimes, people don't want to know the truth and urge to


You are being experimented. Yes, you read that right! At every point in time, you are the one experimenting on yourself. I'm not talking about being present in a simulation but everything we do is a direct product of our thoughts. We can reconstruct as well restructure our thought process to an extent where we can manipulate our outcomes in life. The truth lies in the eye of the beholder We find ourselves in multifarious unexpected situations. Some of them are wanted and some are unwanted. Call it fate, but I call it the experiments that we are exposed to on a day to day basis. The critical understanding lies when the idea that our thoughts are our experimenters and we are just a model exposed to it strikes us.  For example, the desires that get us addicted to a certain element is nothing but an experiment to see how far our body can get pushed by our mind to achieve a spike of dopamine.  To not be able to come out and strangled by emotional conflict is nothing but an experiment to

The Inevitable Truth

The truth is inevitable they say, but it's stuck in a labyrinth of perceptions.  When our senses make us aware of the truth, the beliefs are created within.  But, what are beliefs? when do we actually find ourselves enlightened with the ultimate truth? What are these fences created?  What is this indelible energy encompassing the truth? Who is the superior, who brought humanity to existence? I seek answers but the truth is an imposturous product of mere perception.   The paradox of perception sits on the chest and grapples the inevitable truth to appease us.  What makes the undeniable truth so undeniable?  What is this heavy feeling when I'm lying? Lying to myself. I think there is an alternative reality that goes parallel to whatever we say. That reality co - habitats with our conscience.  If the truth is omnipotent then why do we justify our fallacies? People are aware of the unaware. People are ignorant of what lies beneath the truth.  How do we gauge a perfect truth? We are

Dystopia Of Emotions

The literal meaning of Dystopia is an imagined state in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one which is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic. Don't we all live in this imaginative state when the cause is vicious? Don't we all find ourselves in the gap between what we want and what we have? What happens when that gap gets stretched too long to touch the ends of unrealistic expectations? DYSTOPIA. We let go of ourselves to every element we seek pleasure from. Don't you think that's just adding up to your vulnerability enough to make you more gullible? We let situations scar ourselves and believe in the universal idea that scars never heal. Who decides these ideas for you? You don't for sure because every human being is born with an aura to harmonize. Every individual is vulnerable to themselves when they are born.  That hypothetical dark place where you push yourself to is not a result of your thoughts, it's the vulnerability of your thoughts which

A Fragile State Of Mind

You have the power to desensitize yourself towards your sufferings.  C'mon, are you that gullible? We are aware that we can't do that because we are meant to feel everything and we should not resist a thought! But, we can make different choices for ourselves every time we look into things, we can take a step closer to reality.   You can build a super-powerful aura for yourself that will help you keep mentally grounded or a weak aura that would disrupt you at every point of your life and detach you from reality. Our mind has a default mechanism of perceiving emotions. We can't opt-out for it, it's there inside you and it's congenital! No matter how hard you try to instantly desensitize yourself, it's impossible until unless you don't get exposed to it physically or mentally.  We are in a constant process of choosing. You have no choice but to make choices throughout life. That what makes up most of our lives. Making both good and bad choices helps to maintain


H ow do you use another person for your benefit? Sounds evil, right? Well, it’s not, once you know how to manipulate someone’s aura positively to make them vibe with yourself. The vibe is quite an urban word that simply means to intertwine your aura with someone else’s. But wait ! to create an aura around yourself by using another person sounds bizarre right? To harness someone’s aura to make it your own is an idea to dig deeper into that person. It’s neither about a casual meeting nor about trysts, It’s about seeing yourself in that person. Consider the vibe of a person as the bioplasmic energy that surrounds the person. Every person is born with their distinct energy and they level up constantly as they incorporate different experiences. Imagine yourself getting absorbed into the person’s energy and coming out as a new person with new levels of energy that are added to your existing levels. EUREKA! You created an aura around yourself by making use of another person. Subsume but do n