The Inevitable Truth

The truth is inevitable they say, but it's stuck in a labyrinth of perceptions. 
When our senses make us aware of the truth, the beliefs are created within.
 But, what are beliefs? when do we actually find ourselves enlightened with the ultimate truth? What are these fences created? 
What is this indelible energy encompassing the truth? Who is the superior, who brought humanity to existence? I seek answers but the truth is an imposturous product of mere perception.  
The paradox of perception sits on the chest and grapples the inevitable truth to appease us. 
What makes the undeniable truth so undeniable?  What is this heavy feeling when I'm lying? Lying to myself.
I think there is an alternative reality that goes parallel to whatever we say. That reality co - habitats with our conscience. 
If the truth is omnipotent then why do we justify our fallacies?
People are aware of the unaware. People are ignorant of what lies beneath the truth. 
How do we gauge a perfect truth? We are gullible to misapprehension and mere sophism. People are constantly been foisted by other's truth. The true value of the form is discreet. 
The truth is presentable in multifarious forms but the absolute entity gets deflected. 
For a particular cause, each and every one of us has a different take but less is known about the absolute. 
The absolute lies deep within the unknown and the anonymous finds it. 
Too close but still never felt the absolute. A tempestuous truth, but still a feeling of separation persists within me. 
An illusion that's too quick to catch but still persuades me. 
And, whenever I touch the absolute, I get an uncanny feeling like someone laid their hands on me, someone who accepted me for myself and someone who said it's okay to be not okay!
A feeling that I always craved for, was withing myself, never consistent but when it shows up, I feel like I'm in another dimension, where everything that's known is the absolute truth. Everything I saw, my conscience acted up. Felt as if the puzzle's complete and I was the missing piece. 
The touch told me how to make peace with your broken pieces. 
A touch that is ineffable and can never be felt twice. 
Felt like I glitched! But it left a piece of note that's essential.
Said, the truth is what we create when we live as an unknown entity being aware of the unknown. Stand straight up and face the unknown, construct your own path, and walk on it to feel the essence of the absolute.
The essence is the true nature of the form. The essence of the unknown has greater relevance than the known because what is known is definable but to figure out the undefinable is in less practice. 
To make your peace with what is known comes in hand but to make peace with the unknown sounds unacceptable. 
It said, that to accept your parts that are being questioned upon, to accept the unacceptable, all the imperfect perfections is what the absolute is.
The absolute truth exists because fallacies exist. Fallacies are an independent form of perception that lies within each individual. Both these forms co-exist in nature. 
Ignoring your fallacies won't let you come closer to the absolute but ignoring the truth would let the fallacies overpower you. 
Reality is a product of the truth and truth lies within. 


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