How do you use another person for your benefit? Sounds evil, right? Well, it’s not, once you know how to manipulate someone’s aura positively to make them vibe with yourself. The vibe is quite an urban word that simply means to intertwine your aura with someone else’s. But wait ! to create an aura around yourself by using another person sounds bizarre right?

To harness someone’s aura to make it your own is an idea to dig deeper into that person.

It’s neither about a casual meeting nor about trysts, It’s about seeing yourself in that person.

Consider the vibe of a person as the bioplasmic energy that surrounds the person. Every person is born with their distinct energy and they level up constantly as they incorporate different experiences.

Imagine yourself getting absorbed into the person’s energy and coming out as a new person with new levels of energy that are added to your existing levels. EUREKA! You created an aura around yourself by making use of another person.

Subsume but do not live with it 

To live with someone’s aura is equal to living your life on their terms. The brutal part is that you don’t even realize that until unless it hits you like a truck. Your inner self gets shaped by their perspectives, your perspectives in turn are molded by their thoughts, sounds uncanny right? It is.

What I am putting is the idea of taking yourself along with that person, to a point where you both talk your vulnerable self. Every individual in this world is in a constant process of creating an aura by knowing other people, interacting genuinely, and by not holding back. To trust the other person is critical, but what is more important is to register the experiences you take back home, it’s this what lives within you. It’s just like an entity outside but its a living entity when it’s inside someone because it can either you mess you up and put seeds of confusion or it could leave you on cloud 9 !!

1. You might have heard that “questions lead to great discoveries”. So, question and share what you have gone through and let them respond with the same. Make them intrigued by your genuineness and authenticity of thoughts.

2. Don’t boast, be cocky about anything because that is equivalent to mental suicide.

3. Don’t dismantle your aura even if you are trying too hard. Trust me, the energy you transmit, if it is not utilized, it certainly gets back to you.

4. Ask about the experiences you want to cultivate in your life.

5. Stop living on others, you are not a parasite, but a human being who is free from a give and take relationship. It’s a listen, absorb, create, and learn strategy.

6. Don’t impose your perspectives on the other person listen and agree more, that is how you create an aura. After all, it is you who is in control of your aura.


Try and imagine it as a tape recorder. The tape recorder records your experiences and the battery is the aura that gives the power to record. But, it’s YOU who ultimately decide if you want to delete the recording or keep playing it in your head.

The sweetness lies when you are definite about what you are speaking and uncertain about what the person is going to respond to. So, don’t be calculative and diplomatic when you are in the process of creating. Half-hearted efforts won’t work, but it would lead to confusion and complaints that are irrelevant.

You are a magnet, attracting everything that is coming in your way. You are a creator, creating an endless number of experiences throughout your lifetime. You are well conscious of what is happening around you. So, record everything that you come across, be it negative or positive. Let your aura give that power to you. It’s no less than a supernatural power, it’s something we all are blessed with. Just knowing how to execute the power in a way that would benefit you and the people around you is what you need to focus on and master.

To see the other person in yourself may sound like an impractical concept. For the equilibrium to be achieved, one has to conquer their senses. There are going to be endless arguments and disputes where the equilibrium is disturbed. All the beings are born with an innate tendency to maintain the equilibrium or they are in a constant process of chasing it. It is like a fuel to everyone’s aura and it solely depends on the individual how they are going to achieve it. The whole process of creation starts from here, just when you have enough senses to understand, process, and be aware of your surrounding.

The seeds of confusion are sown by the aura you create or the vibes you receive. But, you are the one to water it and shape them into overthinking, procrastination, and whatnot.

The right vibe matters, the bad vibe matters, even no vibe matters. If you receive no vibe from the other person, it doesn’t mean that you can’t create. It just means that it doesn’t affect your aura and you are at your damn equilibrium. It is pretty absurd to see how people crave to reach for equilibrium when they should know that it already exists in them. Nothing comes easy, even a monk is confused and has his dilemmas at times, but what makes him stand out and achieve that equilibrium is that the monk is aware of his self.

To live in the present is the most difficult job nowadays. People are fighting within themselves, with their inner self, because the puzzles are always incomplete. Puzzles of every aspect and sphere of life. The part that everyone needs to understand is that you are that missing piece which makes the puzzles to complete. Whatever you do, you aren’t absorbed because you are living in the past or the future. You are slightly off of where you expect yourself to be.

Be aware of yourself and the surroundings and remember that you are the missing puzzle. You can make any puzzle complete and that is where you start creating your own aura and start taking small steps to attain equilibrium. 

Channelizing your energy into something is very different from putting your mind into something. You channelize your energy when you create experiences from existing experiences. Doing something productive, does not mean that you are channelizing your energy.

Your energy is what defines you, it’s your body, the experiences you create or you have within yourself is your soul, the way you react to situations is equivalent to breathing

Just keep this in mind and you won’t ever harm your equilibrium!

People crave for love, they want to have cared, they want to feel free, they do not want to pretend, they do not want to have confusion, they don’t want to be all gloomy and they do not want to hurt someone. This is the natural innate tendency of a human when they start breathing. Everything, I mentioned comes from the experiences you record with your tape recorder, and it is you who have registered and decided to dance to the tunes.

So, work on your energy and your vibe. Focus on creating every day and make your aura stronger than ever before, make it broad. Broad enough to engulf other people in it. Be genuine in whatever you do, about your thoughts, and make realistic goals about yourself. Make the other person intrigued in you and let them see themselves in you. Use everyone out there for everyone’s benefit!


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