A Fragile State Of Mind

You have the power to desensitize yourself towards your sufferings. 
C'mon, are you that gullible? We are aware that we can't do that because we are meant to feel everything and we should not resist a thought! But, we can make different choices for ourselves every time we look into things, we can take a step closer to reality.  
You can build a super-powerful aura for yourself that will help you keep mentally grounded or a weak aura that would disrupt you at every point of your life and detach you from reality.

Our mind has a default mechanism of perceiving emotions. We can't opt-out for it, it's there inside you and it's congenital! No matter how hard you try to instantly desensitize yourself, it's impossible until unless you don't get exposed to it physically or mentally. 
We are in a constant process of choosing. You have no choice but to make choices throughout life. That what makes up most of our lives. Making both good and bad choices helps to maintain a constant equilibrium and to synchronize our vibes with the people around us. Your choices may be regressive or absolutely right, but to be aware that they were your choices is important. You create situations for yourself, you derive happiness and sadness from it. It's a feedback loop you are stuck in. 
You do not opt-out for the choices you make but you have the option to reevaluate them and make the right kind of choices. 
That's the basic idea of acceptance! 
But, what we are more interested in is how do we get desensitized to our suffering. How do we develop such a high level of thinking, that gives us the power to do the same? It's no quantum physics but it's no less than that. 

Giving yourself mental anesthesia not to feel an emotion is hypothetical because you certainly cannot! If a person claims so, then he/she is not grounded to their own reality or is not in their consciousness. 
Every living creature is in a constant process of perceiving emotion and acting accordingly.

You justify your thoughts, you validate them, you process it all. After you have felt what you need to feel, some conflicts take place inside your mind. This is a positive sign because conflicts need to happen as they give rise to the most realistic choices in life.
If you're confused about something, it's good because you want to give it the best shot or you want to make the most realistic and sustainable choices for yourself! 
It's always safe to be confused than acting impulsively. 
Psychological pain - Wikipedia

Acting impulsively on something is like clenching your fist harder on a broken piece of glass. It's funny because you know that you did not give it a thought but you still expect something wonderful to happen. It's like falling in love just because you like the same movie!

There is a whole damn thought process when you feel an emotion, perceive a thought, and give it the form of action. We are all aware of that but what we are not aware or tend to ignore is the checkpoints between these mechanical processes. 
People who suffer from anything or give it the form of a scar, claim that their mental peace is being compromised continuously. 
People feel a feeling of emptiness inside and say that they will stop feeling any emotion.  That's dumb! because you should be saying that I won't make the same life choices that interfered with my mental peace. 

You all need to understand that we human beings have this natural tendency to associate our mental peace with the elements of which we derive pleasure.
We all do that when we are infatuated with any element, be it a person, activity, or a materialistic thing.
We unknowingly associate out mental peace with that element! 
Attachment is a tendency of a human being to intertwine their mental peace with that element with which you can see yourself vibe. 
But, not all vibes are going to stay forever, 
not all vibes are going to stay favorable,
Vibes keep on changing, they are just like energy levels that keep flickering. That's there to maintain an equilibrium in the body. You can't carry one type of vibe forever, that is why you have so many different people in your life. Do they share the same vibe as you? Some of them might have the opposite kind of vibes but they still share a part in your life. It is because vibes are accommodative. But, even a vibe has it's own lifespan and it's own limits to keep up with other vibes. 


There are two types of people - one who looks into things with a narrow mind and the other with a broader mind.
Both views are right in their own way depending on the situation.
But, we are interested in people's suffering. When we suffer from a cause, we are looking at it in a very narrow-minded way. As a consequence, we get diverted from the main cause, ignore our significant thoughts, put mirrors of assumptions around it, and suffer from endless insignificant thoughts. 
We react when we get to the limit of burnout where we have given a big part of mental peace to that element for it to be compromised. 
We sacrifice our mental peace to an element without evaluating them. We are always in a state of high when we seek pleasure from something but little do we know that it's unreal. 
It's like an iceberg. We do not try to learn it, we do not introspect, we do not cross-question them because we are in a state of a constant high. 
Mistakes are ought to happen when you are ignorant and as a result, you sacrifice your mental peace to things that don't deserve your energy. 
The narrow-minded approach to deal with any problem seeds from a biased mind. 

A biased mind always chooses to act over one of the thoughts while ignoring the other. 
An unbiased mind chooses not to react to any of those thoughts but considers all of them. 

Having an unbiased mind with a broad view is the best combination to look into things. It will surely help us to choose the right elements and will also help to associate the right things to our mental peace.
Now, we are aware of the fact that we are deriving pleasure from that element. Before thinking of anything else, we should be aware that pleasure is a short term. Even if it's going to stay forever which is a false fact, consider it as a short term pleasure. 
Thinking it as a long term pleasure makes us vulnerable to emotional and mental disbalance and also it increases our wrong baseline expectations. Keeping ourselves grounded is really important when we're making significant choices, especially when we have a hint that it could make us and break us. 
Now, at this particular point, there might be a lot of thoughts that are hovering, and it only comes to say we are successfully halfway through! At this point, we need to accept every thought that is crossing our mind, the best, and the evilest of all. 
Once you have considered and accepted all the thoughts, just think if your thought is "UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED" or not. Once you have thought about that, think if your "GUT INSTINCT" is allowing it or not. 
A universally accepted thought can be wrong but our gut instinct will never allow us to wrongly imply a universal thought. 

Listening to our gut instinct is so important but we tend to ignore every time. It's deep-rooted energy that lies within, it is pure, selfless, and has always got a clear intention. 
Most of us ignore it because we never explored ourselves, we are detached from ourselves, being unaware of the energy that is within us. This energy could bring the best out of you, could make you successful, could make you wise and wealthy. This energy is itself the good human who would do everything to maintain harmony within ourselves. It will never let you commit the evil, that would disrupt your mental peace.

Once we have allowed our thoughts to sit in. Once we have heard our gut instincts say a yes or no, now we can proceed further and by that I mean now we make that element a part of our mental peace. Now, we know that we have just done the right thing listening to ourselves. 
Now, whatever the consequences we face, we will have the power to endure it, because now we have developed a sense of accountability and responsibility in ourselves. 
Now, we are aware that we are harvesting the seeds we once sowed. 
Now we are more closer to what we call as KARMA

We are choosing for ourselves and we are not obliged to choose just because the situation demands us to do so. We should choose to face our consequences, to stop complaining about them!
We are our own sculptors and directors 

The root cause of sufferings is the fragile state of mind. The fragile state of mind origins from disturbed mental peace. The disturbed mental peace roots from the elements we associate with it. 

A great philosopher Marcus Aurelius once said and I quote:
"Ask yourselves at every moment of your life, is it that necessary?"
The checkpoints when we make any choices play a critical role in shaping our mental peace.
It's not the brick that is important, but it's the material of which the bricks are made of, which would decide it's strength and foundation. 



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