Dystopia Of Emotions

The literal meaning of Dystopia is an imagined state in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one which is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic. Don't we all live in this imaginative state when the cause is vicious? Don't we all find ourselves in the gap between what we want and what we have? What happens when that gap gets stretched too long to touch the ends of unrealistic expectations? DYSTOPIA.
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We let go of ourselves to every element we seek pleasure from. Don't you think that's just adding up to your vulnerability enough to make you more gullible? We let situations scar ourselves and believe in the universal idea that scars never heal. Who decides these ideas for you? You don't for sure because every human being is born with an aura to harmonize. Every individual is vulnerable to themselves when they are born. 

That hypothetical dark place where you push yourself to is not a result of your thoughts, it's the vulnerability of your thoughts which are a result of judgments and the destructive criticism you face. The unspoken battles you fight are a result of the judgments you're facing. You do not listen to yourself, You turn a blind to the alternative reality that actually cares for your well being. You let that criticism directly seep into your soul. Why let illusions make a void inside of you when you know that they don't exist? When you know that they exist in a hypothetical society which is based on mere assumptions.
We all are reasonable human beings who are seeking answers for every detail. Every emotion you feel needs an answer, it needs your allowance to be felt in its true form. Why y'all do not feel that your emotions are equally questionable to what you see as objective reality. Your subjective realities are based on what you perceive, which gives rise to the idea to feel things and then you imbibe individual products of it called emotions.
Every emotion is based on two alternative realities, one is the pillar of assumptions and another is the pillar of reasoning. We tend to seek both. Both of these realities makes you feel wise. The pillar of assumption which is a by-product of dystopia is also perceived as reality because we lack questioning, we accept the good as good and bad as bad. People usually start questioning their beliefs, ethics, and instincts. These deep-rooted concepts are not susceptible to changes because they are formed from the beginning to the very end. They are rigid in nature. They are only formed as an absolute entity which is a product of reasonings. 

If you question your beliefs, ethics, and values then you would face cognitive dissonance. As these are the only elements that are formed within oneself over a period of time and cannot be manipulated. 
Cognitive Dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors. It's a by-product of a lack of reasoning and accepting the universal truths as it is.
Reasonings would have a direct effect on self-validation. Every being should have their own rules and philosophy for living their life. The followers don't create history but every individual creates their own. Subsume but do not live on other's notions, perspective, and thinking. 

Seek and validate what's yours and never bear the pain of something or someone that is not a product of your own reasoning!

The reasoning is like a semi-permeable membrane that would allow the only relevant thoughts to cross your mind because it runs only on logic. The problem is we accept the universal definitions of emotions as it is. For example, love is a positive feeling but there is something called toxic love but there is also something called real love. Hence, we know both good and evil exist for an emotion. It depends on person to person, every individual would have its own definition of love which solicited from his/her own experience. Then why do we perceive every universally positive emotion as positive and every universally unacceptable emotion as negative? Why don't we allow our reasonings to stay with us when it's needed the most? 

All the universally acceptable and unacceptable emotions are nothing but a result of the mere comparison. Everyone has their own ethics and morals, but emotions that are felt as a result of a cause-effect relationship has nothing to do with morals and ethics. People who suffer from a lack of self-love and worth often find themselves in cognitive dissonance. They think if it's not morally right then it doesn't require me to think. They think even if I think rationally and arrive at a conclusion, will the society agree or not. So, we see that our vulnerability to every thought is an enemy. Thoughts should be based on rigid individual reasoning which is independent of morals and ethics. 
What society thinks or does has nothing to do with your own thought process, It's like you're breathing for them, it's like you're breathing their air, which doesn't make sense because the air you breathe is independent in nature. In the same way, your thoughts are independent in nature, they do not need validation because you validate them with your rigid reasoning!

Seek what is yours and do not hand it to someone who is not worthy of it. 

Noone creates your philosophy of life, everyone creates their own philosophy in life. No matter how many rules they impose on you, no matter how much you want to manipulate someone to follow your philosophy, people don't. At a certain level, we all run on self-validation, what goes wrong is when we start to live as someone else. When you start to live for the society you won't find yourself in society, because to thrive in the society you need to live for yourself first. How do you define yourself? by the thoughts, you hold for yourself, the constructive reasoning you have. No one could ever teach you to reason out the objective realities in life. Everyone has their own baseline experiences, on which they form their own ideas and reasonings. 
Image may contain: text that says "pray you heal from things no one ever apologized for."

We ignore our self emanated questions, you question to form opinions right? Every individual's opinion pertains to their individual self when they are exposed to multifarious situations. Every emotion you feel has to pass through the stage where you question them and introspect them. If you don't then you're simply sabotaging your self. Then you're simply agreeing to what you see. 
The good is not so good and the bad is not so bad. Follow this and live as an unbiased being. 
The emotions are a dead entity outside but they live and grow once they are inside. 


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