I think all of you might be aware of the speech from William Shakespeare’s pastoral comedy As you like it.
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts
I couldn’t agree more! We are all actors playing different roles in different situations. But, sometimes we take our roles so seriously that we get stuck in the loop of pretending to be someone else. So, what is our true self? How do we define It? When do we decide that we are who we are and how do we embrace ourselves?
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Our true self is nothing but the reality we face every day. The situations we deal with are the realities that we are bound to face and that shapes up our true self. But, we love being illusive beings because we react to situations in so many different manners. Some of the manners are so contradicting that it leaves us baffled about ourselves and in some extreme cases people start questioning their own identity.
Giving yourself a reality check at every point of your life is so important so that you don’t detach yourself from yourself. We pretend for what? I will tell you the root causes of it.
- We, humans, have an inherent tendency to spread love. We are born with it and it is congenital.
- We are in constant fear of being judged by society or get repressed by hierarchical pressure.
- We do it for our benefit as to fit in the mainstream group or society.
- We are not aware of our inner emotions and are just living our lives for the sake of so.
All these causes can collectively lead to being illusive or it could be one particular reason. Here, comes my favorite reference: “The One With Chandler’s Work Laugh” is the twelfth episode of the fifth season of Friends, Go and have a look at this hilarious scene.
In this episode, you could find Chandler keeps on pretending that he likes his boss’s jokes even if they are total crap. For that, he has a different uncanny laugh, which Monica does not like at all. While in the scene where they all have a tennis game, Monica keeps on slaying and keeps scoring points over the boss and his wife. Chandler begs Monica to keep it subtle and let them score a point. At last, Chandler helps himself and let them win.
We could infer, Chandler had this fear of his Boss and losing the job that led him to be illusive (hierarchical pressure). The illusive nature of a person intensifies when the person lacks self-love and appreciation which results from dependency.
We look ourselves in the mirror to pinpoint our insecurities and imperfections that don’t exist. Insecurities arise when we prioritize our imperfection giving it all the attention it doesn’t deserve, yeah, it’s just like that toxic ex that tries to make an entry when you’re already coping up with your mental breakdowns. We, being unattached to our real self, latch on to these hypothetical situations, we create in our head, become weaker, and tend to push ourselves away from reality.
Your self is a living emotion in yourself. It is made up of uncountable experiences. It breathes in its own ways and we are the ones to suffocate it.
Look at it as a kid getting bullied over and over that ultimately leads to his suicide or a kid who is being falsely accused of something and is being scapegoated that results in him receiving a lot of hate that leads to suicide. Compare it with a kid who receives all the love one deserves. Will it result in the same consequence? absolutely Not.
Self-love starts when you embrace your imperfections. When you know you are enough !!
When you are aware of the fact that Imperfections are a great way of being aware of the reality and not just live as an illusive person.
To accept yourself the way you are is the first step to come close to reality. Acceptance is the path you follow to expose yourself to immense love, appreciation, affection, selflessness. Something that could overpower any evil thought that could cross your mind.
Acceptance is how your soul breathes, so don’t let it die so easy !
It is a self-made concept and I would like to explain this as a personality you are born with and not the one you acquire. This personality represents equilibrium but is prone to a lot of changes. It molds itself according to situations.
Threshold personality is something that is already present inside but we are still seeking it.
We are at a constant love and hate relationship with this personality because once our equilibrium gets disturbed, we start to question our identity.
Working on our threshold enough to cut through the negativity around us and to rebound to our threshold again is what we need to incorporate. So, now that I have enlightened you with the meaning of what this personality is about, it should always be your threshold reacting to stimulants and not some illusive being. You contradict your reactions, once you get diverted from the threshold, and from that very point, you start attracting illusive beings in your life too!
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